The Warrior

From Wild at Heart (JE): ‘Your Heavenly Father will take you on that journey into the unknown. He will test you until your false self crumbles and your true heart beats freely… We are dependent on God. The true essence of our strength is passed to us from...


Our acts of remembering must therefore involve both essential truths and dramatic narrative. I believe we need to hold the creeds in one hand and our favorite forms of art in the other. There are films, books, poems, songs, and paintings I return to again and again...
Don’t Tempt Me Frodo

Don’t Tempt Me Frodo

We go through life fighting off our vices left and right.  Whether it’s a substance, a escape, or just plain anger, we often turn to the ‘easy way’ to deal with the subtleties of life.  Yet what’s at it’s core? Without knowing what is...


Prayer and fasting is much more than words… it’s about aligning ourselves with His will, with His heart.  Look at Jesus… He barely spoke a word and it was DONE! Yet for us, it takes some time… getting into His heart. Finding joy again....
Cell Phone Addiction

Cell Phone Addiction

by John Eldredge I feel I need to begin this article with some sort of confession, like in a recovery meeting. “Hi. My name’s John.” [The small group responds, “Hi John.”] “And I’m a user.” [Group leader says, “This is a safe place, John. Tell us your story.”]...

My Mountain

Man, looking forward to staying connected with as many of you guys as possible. Finding our mountain is crucial to a life fully alive in Christ, that private devotion is so import. let’s find a secret place and be ready in season and out! I’m going to...

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